Friday, August 31, 2007

How do I pull this off?

In an earlier post I mentioned a list of places I’d like to go, and ended it with a thought about finding my ultimate job by making lists and traveling the world. I want to let you all know that I’m seriously thinking about finding it. I find myself drooling for more adventure even though we just got back from Ireland 2 months ago. A friend is leaving for a cruise around Italy on monday and I'm so jealous...

Off the top of my head, the jobs that require travel would mean I’d have to either join the military, which is in better shape without me accidentally causing WWIII, or join the world of hospitality and be a flight attendant or work on a cruise ship, and that would absolutely suck. I think ideally I’d love to be a photographer for a travel magazine or website or something, but in the grand scheme of photographers, I don't even register on the lowest of professional levels.

There are also some issues that would need to be addressed in order to make my traveling gig (whatever it may be) happen. The first hurdle would be the Husband. I couldn’t travel the world without him, so the company would have to be cool with him being my muse, and pay enough to cover the lack of a 2 salary household and his travel expenses. The second hurdle would be the pups. I’m not comfortable with them going to kennels, and I’d want the someone who watched them to love them like we do. I wouldn’t be worried about Mr. Finnegan because my mom has already laid claim on his furry face. Now little miss Riley… she might be another story. She's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, and when she stayed with my mom for a few days while Finn was recovering from knee surgery, she made her life hell for 3 days. The only other hurdle I can see is having our own home to come “home” to after weeks of travel. As they say, there is nothing like home.

Hum… I think I need to rethink this whole thing....


Paul said...

I'm still game for a someday maybe Riley rental. Someday I want to have a dog and wouldn't mind a crash course.

Sheila said...

You can rent her anytime. We even deliver!