Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Photo 48 - Finer Things

Finer Things
We recently were given a bottle of 12 year Macallan Scotch as a thank you gift, and I have to say, that stuff sure goes down smooth. And yes, I call it scotch, not whiskey, as it says on its pretty packaging. A true whiskey is distilled three times, whereas a scotch is only distilled twice. For something that will really burn the hair off your chest, you can go with a bourbon, which is only distilled once. Thank you Jameson Factory tour! They drummed that information down our throats at every stop on the tour.

On another note, I just got my first pair of cross country skis! Just in time for the snow to melt and disappear so I can't use them. I need to think positively, right? There is bound to be another snow storm or two before the winter is over...

I'll end today's post with some sound advice from a friend of mine regarding Amsterdam. I had asked him that while I visit, if I should partake in the local herbal pastime. He said, "As for Amsterdam, when in Rome, do as the dirty hippies do." It gave me a good laugh imagining Gilday and I sitting around by a canal somewhere wearing hemp clothes and beaded dreads, smoking a bong with a sign in front of us that said "Will Work for Weed".

1 comment:

Paul said...

You're friend sounds like a brilliantly funny person.