I heart the holidays. It’s a great time for reconnecting with friends from near and far, and the happy go lucky spirit of the season. Here is a brief recap of the festivities!
Christmas started with a wonderful peek out the window to see the Subaru with a big red bow on it, like in a Lexus holiday car commercial. While it wasn’t really our present to each other, it’s hard to not notice that after years of not having a car payment; it will be looming above us again. (Have I mentioned I love this car? It’s fricking awesome… and very dirty right now.) We did the usual gift exchanges with family and ended the night with a tall glass of Jameson and movie. A good Christmas, it was.
I also, with a not so subtle nudge, managed to convince Paul to have an anti-holiday party. With his sort of centralized location, it led to friends dropping in at his place for fun and games from near and far and really far. It also led to a
New Years eve was spent at Bill &
The rest of the holiday time was spent relaxing, playing Katamari, refreshing our memory on season 5 of L O S T (streaming on Netflix – awesome), getting my yearly fix of LOTR Return of the King and getting kicked out of a funeral home.
Now to figure out what twenty-ten will bring…
Sheila, it was awesome to see you guys -- wish I had more time with the crew while in CT. Hoepfully, Fremont will make another epic drive with me and meet everyone!
Congrats on the new Subaru too, I hear they get better every year (the early 2000 ones had some serious issues but are doing much better now, thank you!)
Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep posting!
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