Thursday, July 22, 2010

and another thing...

Oh, and as I contemplate the switch over to wordpress for the good ol' cadmium yellow blog, I thought it would be fun to try a new blogger template. It's like going shopping for shoes. They all look kinda nice but just don't seem to fit right.

I'll let this one stay for a few days until I make my switch decision.

Also, the Y key on my macbook pro is sticking. Well, not really sticking per say, it's just not clickey. Hum. If I didn't have to spend an arm and a mother f@cking leg at the dentist today, I would have been able to put a pretty large dent in my Mac Pro fund.

1 comment:

James Dziezynski said...

I converted a while ago -- I much prefer WP after playing with it. Though this new tempalte does look good -