Monday, May 17, 2004

a jumbled entry

We're going to the ocean, we're going to the ocean... I'm so excited! I can hardly contain myself. One whole week of relaxing, kayaking, drinkin, painting, boozin, kayaking and boozin. Did I mention boozin?

Other Interesting things of note:
I'm working on something for the TONY Awards. Neat, eh? Well, there is an artist who is currently making some waves in the fashion accessories business and she has a project that will be back stage, ready and waiting for celebrities to pose, like the stars and starlets of broadway that they are, in front of it. I don't personally get to go, but there will be tons of pictures taken by the artist to put in my portfolio. Of course, I cant let you know what it is yet, being it hasn't been released to the public. But, I can tell you that its pretty gosh darn cool.

Oh, and if you're keeping track, no news about the "stable income position" yet. I re-arranged our room "feng shui style" so that I dont interupt my career path. Meaning, making sure that from the opening the bedroom door and looking straight ahead, there are no obsticles. Also, I'm working on de-cluttering my work area which will help the flow of energy circulate. I'm not sure if it will work, but we'll see.

Off to Feng Shui the dogs...

1 comment:

Gilday said...

Feng Shui the dogs. Sounds like a Chinese dish.