Thursday, May 13, 2004

E.T. Phone home

That last post had me thinking about some silly things that I did to my sister when I was growing up. Being almost 7 years younger, and a ton smarter, (its true, ask around), I was a complete terror to her. An example of this, my sister was afraid of E.T. for the longest time. So, one night when we went on a family outting to a drive-in theater to see Gremlins, I told her that the blinking light in the sky (actually a satellite) was E.T.'s mother ship and they were coming after her. She freaked out, jumped out of the car and ran into the concession stand. It took my Mom almost a hour to get her back to the car.

Another time that still makes me laugh out loud was when the family went clothes shopping. My sister was looking for black high-top sneakers and my mother asked me to help. Big mistake. She has a very small foot size so... I did in fact find her black high-top sneakers. She saw them, bought them and then proceeded to change into them in the hallway of the mall. No big deal, right? Well, unknown to her, they were actually Boys sneakers with the little red lights on the bottom so whenever she stepped, they lit up. Classic. That one is definately my favorite.

And no, I dont really feel too bad about doing it. I was basically getting back at her for all the horrible things that she did to me when I couldn't defend myself; like the time when I was five and she broke my thumb just to see if she could do it; or when she pushed me in the pool when she knew I couldnt swim.

Thats love folks.


Anonymous said...

Wait wait wait a sec..... You have a sister?

Sheila said...

I know its hard to believe, but yes...

Paul said...

Did I know that?

Gilday said...

If you didn't carry around your driver's license, you wouldn't know where you lived.