Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Gilday and I are going to be having a yard sale in a few weeks to unload all the extra stuff we have stored in boxes up in the attic. The idea is, if we haven’t needed it since the move, why are we keeping it. We have a goal of what we want to make and if we reach it, I’m going to attempt to get Gilday to put it toward a vacation or something fun, instead of being responsible and using towards something like rent…

So each night, we’ll look through some things and figure out what’s best to keep, or just sell. The other night, we took the first step and attacked our DVD collection. I never realized how many DVD’s we actually have and don’t use. Although we never watch them anymore, I found it extremely difficult at first to put some in the Sell Box. I didn’t realize the emotional connection I had with most of the movies on the shelves. But, once the process started, it felt kind of good. I managed to part with some of my Tom Hanks movies and retro TV season box sets I've only watched once, and Gilday whittled down his war/action/guns collection.

Once we had a nice healthy pile of sellable movies, I popped onto eBay to see what they were going for. Most were going for the amazing price of $1.00 but some had a nice value attached. We ended up posting a couple TV series sets and sure enough, through the magic of Buy It Now, we’ve already sold one. Let’s hope the luck keeps up.

The one thing that I’m still on the fence about is my Friends collection. I’ve got all the seasons and we haven’t really watched them in a while. But I have this feeling that if I sell them, something’s going to come up where I’m going to want to watch the episode. Like, when I turn 30, I might want to watch “The one where they all turn thirty” when Tag gets Rachel a razor scooter as a gift and Phoebe finds out she’s really 31. We’ll see. I think if we used the cash for something fun, I’d be more attune to selling them…

Got some stuff to sell? Bring it over. Its going to be a very lucrative venture for all (I hope).

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