Wednesday, May 12, 2004


I just love thunderstorms. My favorite part is the smell in the air just before it breaks. It brings thoughts of when I was a kid and I'd sit in our kitchen and watch the lightning dance in the sky over Mohonk Mountain. I'd sit on the floor looking out the glass sliding doors, mesmerized by it all. My dad would say something really cheesy like the gods must be bowling again, and I'd laugh at him because at 6 years old, you just knew he had to be right. My mom would keep telling me to get away from the windows and yell at my father for encouraging my behavior. My sister, (yes, I do in fact have a sibling) would be in her room reading to herself into a tape recorder to calm herself because she hated thunderstorms. Oh, at that time she also hated my parents and most of all, Me.
Yeah... Those were the days.

(And now to be cheesy like my Dad was a while back) I can now say that I've experienced my first thunderstorm with my Gilday in Our new house. We turned off all the lights, lit some candles and sat upstairs listening to the thunder and watching the lightning dance in the sky over Curly's House. It was a truly magical event. Casey and Finnegan even joined us for a bit until they had enough of us and went into the bedroom to nap in thier beds. It was a great thunderstorm experience and I wanted to share.

Good night all, and lets hope for those silly Gods to start bowling again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet, when the Gods bowl, they break 100, like, every time.

Hell of a storm though, eh?