Friday, June 03, 2005

Have a pretty good day.

As all do, when driving in a car and you hear a really great song on the radio, you turn the knob up (or push the volume up button a couple times) and let the world know. It's even better when you pull up to a stop light next to someone, and they have the same exact song blaring. Its a great experience. You look over at the other person and you have a moment. Light turns green and off you both go to your own little worlds.

That happened to me on the way home tonight. The song was from Luce , and it was good day. And I was singing....

Anyway, I was at the stop light before 32 meets 9w and i pulled up next to this Honda Element. Both of our windows were open and i hear Good Day in Stereo. This guy looks over at me, as I look at him and we smile. And we sing. Really loud. It was very cool.

So, Mister Blue Honda Element, Have a pretty good day, yeah yeah...


Anonymous said...

I love that song - I always turn it up and sing really loud too!

Sheila said...

Yeah, I love that song! Its definately going to be playing at our wedding. :)